

(Family Life - 2010-11-14)
 I welcome you to another fabulous week of the month. Last week, I brought you the introductory segment of this series. The excellent taste of every soup is determined by how it is prepared. Last week, I said that your perspective of issues often affects your confession, and your confession determines your possession (Mark 11:23).
 Therefore, seeing marriage as a gift from God launches you to the realm of enjoying what the gift carries.
 Until you know the worth of a gift, you can never appreciate such gift. Marriage is a gift from God to humanity.
God said in Gen. 2:18: ...It is not good that the man should be alone; I will make him an help meet for him. We can see that God's gift of marriage was to make two people happy. God wanted man to know right from the beginning that marriage is not just a right for a man when he is of age, but a gift from Him to ease him of whatever challenges, and to give him the support he needs in the journey of life.
 What Then Is The Worth of Marriage?
God designed marriage to involve the spirit, soul and body, so that the blessing that accompanies marriage is expected to affect your spirit, soul and body. I'll briefly mention some of the worth of this wonderful gift called marriage.
 First and foremost, marriage is specially designed for Companionship. The Word says: Iron sharpeneth iron; so a man sharpeneth the countenance of his friend (Proverbs 27:17). There's no way two pieces of iron can sharpen each other, except they both come together in contact.
 The reason many marriages seem not to be working is because they do not value their union as a gift from God. So they are not united in purpose, thus, they prevent their blessings from coming. Imagine what would have happened to the tower of Babel, if someone had said, "Let's use cement blocks", and the other had said, "No, let's use stones", and yet another, "Let's use bricks"? They might still have been there arguing till today.
 Secondly, marriage is also designed for Spiritual Strength. God expects married couples to become stronger spiritually than when they were both single. Deuteronomy 32:30 says: How should one chase a thousand, and two put ten thousand to flight, except their Rock had sold them, and the LORD had shut them up?
 However, whatever excuses from both the man and the woman for not coming together to pray due to their nature of work and timing, does not negate the truth of God's Word which says that, Two are better than one (Ecclesiastes 4:9). All you need to do is to believe God for better time management, so that your walk with God and your family don't suffer.
 Thirdly, marriage is designed for the Fruit Of The Womb. The Word of God says: Lo, children are an heritage of the Lord; and the fruit of the womb is his reward (Psalm 127:3).
 Marriage is premeditated to produce children. If it doesn't, grief and frustration often set in. The fall of Adam and Eve was what opened the door to barrenness. But God sent Jesus to redeem mankind from every curse of the law. Therefore, if you are born again, you are exempted from barrenness. I see your griefs and frustrations ending right now in Jesus' name.
 The last one I would like to talk about is Divine Favour. The Bible says: whoso findeth a wife findeth a good thing, and obtaineth favour of the Lord (Proverbs 18:22). Once this favour is present, it is irreversible
 Even men are compelled to favour you, because when a man's ways please the Lord, He causes even his enemies to be at peace with him. When you step out, hand in hand with your partner, people will begin to whisper, "See those two, you would think they only got married yesterday." Marriage then becomes desirous, which is what it should be. God overlooked Adam and Eve's betrayal in the Garden of Eden, and yet clothed their nakedness with animal skin and thus, removed shame from them.
 God has designed marriage to reflect all these values so that you can value what marriage is all about, and appreciate Him for bringing so much convenience to you through it. Marriage is, therefore, a sweet experience for believers who are joined together in holy matrimony, as they begin to explore the gift of marriage as it pertains to life and godliness.
 Meanwhile, marriage outside Christ cannot reflect the above-mentioned values. Little wonder, married unbelievers see themselves trapped, when they begin to experience what the devil offers those who negate the truth of the Word of God concerning marriage. If you are not born again, you are not entitled to experience the sweetness of God's gift of marriage, but God's grace is the carrier of salvation.
 Therefore, if you respond to His call today, you will in no doubt secure for yourself, a desirous and fulfilling marriage you have long wanted to experience.

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